About Free Tours Outside

Free Tours Outside hosts various science walking tours and astronomy parties so that everyone can partake in the wonder in the world all around us.

We believe that education is the most powerful path to conservation and living more harmoniously with the natural world around us, and if learning isn’t fun, you’re doing it wrong…

  • Classic Free Tour Outside

    Twice a month minimum, more when the flowers, weather, or any other number of things are good! We go out for an hour or two, walk a short distance, and marvel at the ecology of a trail. We learn about all the plants, catch some bugs and lizards if we are lucky, and see cute birds!

    Check the free tours calendar 
  • Nature Field Days

    For a more in-depth nature experience. We go out for 4-6 hours and get really in the nitty gritty details of the outside world. From Evolution and Ecology to Fine art and even the occasional wine tasting! Sometimes we bring along artists and learn to paint or photograph, sometimes it's survivalists and we learn to build a drill fire, you never know what you're going to get!

    See Upcoming Field Days 
  • Private Tours Outside

    Do you want a more peaceful and intimate tour outside where we can stop and explore anything that might tickle the fancy?

    Private tours outside are perfect for families, groups, and even field trips. Choose from unique themes to craft your own outside experience and make your time outside unforgettable.

    Book a Private Tour! 

Nature News

The Free Tours Outside email newsletter - Nature News! We share weekly nature happenings, announcements on new tours or exciting events, and even species highlights so you can get to know every member of our desert ecosystem and don't have to work so hard to keep up.

You can see the most recent Nature News posts below!

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